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4:23Lonely Hearts16The AtlanticsD.I.Y. - Mass. Ave. - The Boston Scene (1975-1983)Punk1993
2:17Loretta3Nervous EatersD.I.Y. - Mass. Ave. - The Boston Scene (1975-1983)Punk1993
2:45Mass. Ave.1Willie AlexanderD.I.Y. - Mass. Ave. - The Boston Scene (1975-1983)Punk1993
2:18No Place Like Home7The NeighborhoodsD.I.Y. - Mass. Ave. - The Boston Scene (1975-1983)Punk1993
3:57That's When I Reach for My Revolver10Mission of BurmaD.I.Y. - Mass. Ave. - The Boston Scene (1975-1983)Punk1993
2:49They Saved Hitlers Brain4Unnatural AxeD.I.Y. - Mass. Ave. - The Boston Scene (1975-1983)Punk1993
3:18When Things Go Wrong15Robin Lane & the ChartbustersD.I.Y. - Mass. Ave. - The Boston Scene (1975-1983)Punk1993
4:13You're All I Got Tonight (demo)6The CarsD.I.Y. - Mass. Ave. - The Boston Scene (1975-1983)Punk1993
Total playtime: 0d 0:59:17
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