"A Cozy Winter Night"
by Eric von Bayer
One dark cold winter night...
Snuggled in a sleeping bag staring across a campfire...
A myriad of small motes of swirling light descended from the sky...
The gentle caress of snowflakes graced our faces...
Like bursts of winter kisses.
Against the backdrop of the warming fire,
They came as flashes of sensation...
startling yet welcome...
The night enfolding, black, yet safe...
Nature held her breath for the moment,
Quiet in her satisfaction with the reverent spirituality.
The logs crackled gently, seeming to speak a soft lullby in soothing tones.
In your arms I smiled contently,
satisfied in our quiet aquiescence to the epiphanous moment...
In your arms I smiled...
Smiled in gentle solace.