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 Genre: New Age
Genre:New Age
Years:1986 - 2017
Play Time:55:27:27
Adiemus 2 Karl Jenkins 74:32 1997
Adiemus: Songs of Sanctuary Karl Jenkins 54:20 1995
Autumn in New England David Huntsinger 42:22 1995
Chapter II Celestial Navigations 64:16 1989
Classics Era 48:31 2009
Close To Silence Thomas Otten 45:40 1999
Crystal Dreamscapes Orpheus 60:30 2003
Cyclos Dilate 77:07 1996
Dawn of a New Century Secret Garden 55:49 1999
Desert Vision David Lanz & Paul Speer 48:15 1987
DidgeriDuo Gary Thomas 62:16 2000
Dreamcatcher Secret Garden 72:47 2001
Dreamflight Herb Ernst 45:33 1986
Earthsongs Secret Garden 51:23 2005
Era Era 42:26 1996
Era 2 Era 44:03 2000
Floating Into The Night Julee Cruise 48:18 1989
Fresh Aire 7 Mannheim Steamroller 46:47 1991
Garden of the Gods Deuter 59:20 1999
Gyroscope Label Sampler Roger Eno 45:57 1993
Linus & Lucy: The Music of Vince Guaraldi George Winston 57:21 1996
Lost Souls Loreena McKennitt 48:02 2017
Lux Vivens Jocelyn Montgomery 60:00 1998
Medicine Box Robert Rich 61:04 2011
Montage Bjorn Lynne 70:07 1994
Mystery Repeats Itself Michael Masley 77:01 1994
Once in a Red Moon Secret Garden 51:19 2002
One World John Tesh 55:04 1998
Open Window Robert Rich 64:21 2004
Paint The Sky With Stars - The Best Of Enya Enya 57:57 1997
Pearl Diver Yonder 74:57 2017
Pure Moods Enigma 69:58 1994
Pure Moods II Loreena McKennitt 77:56 1997
Reborn Era 53:56 2008
Rumpelrausch Taeips Rumpelrausch 67:06 2000
Sacred Spirit Drums David & Steve Gordon 63:58 1998
Saving The Wildlife Mannheim Steamroller 35:36 1986
Sense Torben Asp 77:17 2008
Songs From A Secret Garden Secret Garden 43:15 1996
Songs of Sanctuary Adiemus 59:41 1995
The Celts Enya 41:25 1986
The Cross of Changes Enigma 44:14 1993
The Dream Roots Collection (Disc 1) Tangerine Dream 53:17 1996
The Dream Roots Collection (Disc 2) Tangerine Dream 51:44 1996
The Dream Roots Collection (Disc 3) Tangerine Dream 57:28 1996
The Dream Roots Collection (Disc 4) Tangerine Dream 59:21 1996
The Dream Roots Collection (Disc 5) Tangerine Dream 45:41 1996
The Essential Fripp and Eno Robert Fripp 75:33 1994
The Mass Era 39:15 2003
The Memory of Trees Enya 43:53 1995
The Narada Collection, Vol. 3 Richard Souther 77:20 1991
Themes Vangelis 63:55 1989
Unearthed E.S. Posthumus 58:14 2001
Watermark Enya 43:07 1988
White Stones Secret Garden 56:16 1997
Yanni Live At The Acropolis Yanni 68:56 1993
-- Incomplete Albums --
Ameno Era 3:35 1997
Anthem Ronan Hardiman 32:53 0000
Ariel Moon TJ Powell 2:44 0000
Black Hills Gold Paul Dennis 3:29 1995
Book Of Days (Single) Enya 4:04 1991
Box of Dreams Enya 5:26 1998
Oiche Chiun Enya 3:58 1989
Only Time/Oiche Chiun Enya 3:14 2001
Only Time: The Collection Enya 3:41 2002
Only Time: The Collection (Disc 4) Enya 2:29 2000
Solas Ronan Hardiman 33:14 1997
Themes from Calmi Cuori Appassionati Enya 3:39 2001
Adiemus 63:41 1994-1995
Adiemus III 4:37 1997
Angelo Badalamenti 130:39 1990-1999
Bernardo Rubaja 5:38 1991
Bjorn Lynne 759:36 1994-2002
Brian Eno 218:29 1978-1999
Brian Mann 4:31 1991
Budd, Garcia, Lentz 7:16 1993
Celestial Navigations 129:25 1989-1992
Clannad 4:18 1992-1997
Craig Armstrong 6:05 1997
Cusco 5:18 1997
Dave Koz 5:31 1997
David & Steve Gordon 63:58 1998
David A. Stewart 4:18 1994
David Arkenstone 56:16 1991-2003
David Byrne 122:45 1981-2001
David Foster 14:53 1985-1993
David Huntsinger 42:22 1995
David Lanz & Paul Speer 48:15 1987
Deep Forest 46:36 1994-1995
Delerium 705:00 1994-2002
Deuter 59:20 1999
Digital Illusions and RayMaxer 5:39 2000
Dilate 81:19 1996
DJ Dado 3:31 1994
Djivan Gasparyan 11:24 1993
Doug Cameron 5:47 1991
Dream Academy 4:19 1997
E.S. Posthumus 128:37 2001-2008
Enigma 116:53 1991-1997
Ennio Morricone 214:12 1991-1995
Enya 311:02 1986-2002
Era 246:51 1996-2009
Eric Tingstad & Nancy Rumbel 5:43 1991
Friedemann 4:27 1991
Gary Thomas 62:16 2000
Geoffrey Oryema 5:01 1994
George Benson 5:39 1997
George Winston 57:21 1996
Herb Ernst 45:33 1986
Jan Hammer 16:13 1985-1994
Jean Michele Jarre 3:20 1994
Jim Jacobsen 4:42 1991
Jocelyn Montgomery 60:00 1998
John Tesh 55:04 1998
Julee Cruise 48:18 1989
Karl Jenkins 193:45 1995-1998
Laraaji 11:38 1993
Loreena McKennitt 574:57 0000-2017
Mannheim Steamroller 82:24 1986-1991
Mark Isham 5:32 1994
Massive Attack 141:35 1997-2006
Michael Jones 5:39 1991
Michael Kolbe 5:10 1991
Michael Masley 77:01 1994
Michael Nyman 60:39 1993-1994
Mike Oldfield 8:53 1992-1994
Orpheus 60:30 2003
Ottmar Liebert 4:19 1997
Paul Dennis 3:29 1995
Peter Maunu 4:35 1991
Petter Skavlan 6:14 1999
Ralf Illenberger 4:55 1991
Richard Souther 4:23 1991
Robert Fripp 133:19 1994
Robert Rich 1341:07 1996-2020
Roger Eno 10:29 1993
Ronan Hardiman 95:38 0000-1999
Rumpelrausch 67:06 2000
Sacred Spirit 4:00 1997
Sacred Spirits 4:26 1994
Secret Garden 324:38 1996-2005
Spencer Brewer 4:07 1991
Tangerine Dream 275:27 1994-1996
Thomas Otten 45:40 1999
TJ Powell 2:44
Torben Asp 425:09 2008-2014
Trapezoid 3:42 1991
Unknown 21:39 1994-1995
Vangelis 130:29 1989-2000
Wayne Gratz 5:31 1991
William Ellwood 3:38 1991
Yanni 74:41 1993-1997
Yonder 74:57 2017
Music database contains 32686 songs, 4447 artists, 2709 albums, and 216 genres. [login]