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  Witchwood by Bjorn Lynne
Artist:Bjorn Lynne
Album Length:1:01:06
n/aWitchwood *8:29
n/aThe Woodlands *4:48
n/aThe Forest Speaks, part 1 *:36
n/aSunlight at the Mooring - a Jetty on the Lake *3:12
n/aThe Forest Speaks, part 2 *1:09
n/aHomeland Farmland *5:41
n/aThe Forest Speaks, part 3 *:27
n/aTell Tale Signs *1:54
n/aThe Forest Speaks, part 4 *1:55
n/aThe Town of Witchwoode *3:54
n/aAfter the Rain (Dew) *1:48
n/aA Presence in the Air *3:46
n/aThe Sinister Maze - a journey through the Catacombs *4:32
n/aThe Forest Speaks, part 5 *1:01
n/aThe Faery Woods *5:30
n/aRecollection (Sea of Memories, part 1) *4:40
n/aNostalgia (Sea of Memories, part 2) *1:39
n/aThe Gathering *2:47
n/aWitchwood Prologue *3:11
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